Introducing the Allswater XTidal Instream Platform

Introducing the Allswater XTidal Instream Platform

Focusing on simplicity and maintainability, the new XTidal Instream Platform (XIP) is our latest design for the tidal energy industry. Using input and feedback from industry experts, developers and turbine suppliers, our third generation platform has increased power capacity, modular construction and greatly enhanced stability.

With a capacity of up to 450kw, the modular platform Is designed for both remote and community sites and allows safe in situ serviceability of three turbines by raising them to the platform deck. The platform uses a SWATH-style hull design to minimize wave induced motions and increase stability. XIP provides the accessibility that fixed base platforms cannot.

The XTidal Instream platform is designed for a single point mooring system for use with mono-directional turbines or a four point mooring system for use with bi-directional turbines.

Representing XTidal, Allswater will be happy to discuss the new platform with you at the 2016 International Conference on Ocean Energy (ICOE) in Edinburgh, Scotland (MRC Booth 8).