Kylee Weir – Welcome to Our Team in Halifax

Kylee Weir – Welcome to Our Team in Halifax

We are pleased to announce that Kylee Weir has joined our team at Allswater as a Naval Architect in our Bedford office.

For the past five years, Kylee has been working as a naval architect with a marine consulting firm in Connecticut. With a varied background in vessel design, including research vessels, tugs, barges and crane platforms, Kylee’s expertise in structure design, intact and damage stability analysis will be appreciated while she collaborates with our diverse designers and clients. She is a graduate of Memorial University of Newfoundland’s Ocean and Naval Architectural Engineering program with previous work placements on both coasts of North America as well as the UK.

Kylee is happy to be back in her native Nova Scotia, where she will be close to family and friends, and looking forward to a winter of snow shovelling and skiing!